Free Solar Posters From Solmetric

These decorative 36x24 inch posters are a great reference for your office or classroom wall.
They are perfect for any solar professional or educator.

solmetric pv array performance troubleshooting flowchart
Learn how to logically troubleshoot array performance and differentiate between real issues and the effects of shading, soiling, weather, and measurement technique. Use of the tree will build skills in I-V curve measurement and interpretation, and also provide the foundation for a reliable module warranty return process.
solmetric iv curves and pv performance

This poster deconstructs the I-V curve (current versus voltage) giving insight into the electrical functioning of solar PV arrays. It describes how to measure and interpret I-V curves to determine the performance and health of a PV string giving examples of different failure modes.

This poster ships free anywhere world-wide and is currently available in English only.

solmetric shade and solar performance

With colorful images and concise text, this poster gives background information and key terms, describes the complex motion of shadows and how to measure them, and gives examples of the impact of shade on a solar array’s energy and financial performance.

This poster ships free anywhere world-wide and is available in English, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, or Dutch.