It is possible that the SunEye OS does not get loaded completely. Possibly due to connection loss during a software upgrade. The resolution is to reload the OS and software then it should work normally. The most common symptom is   that it will power up but stays on the logo screen or otherwise does not load the SunEye software. In this case we can manually transfer the new OS image to the device. I will attempt to document that process here.  First go to this address to download the required files:   and “unzip” (extract) the contents to your desktop. Then connect the SunEye to the computer via USB and put it into RNDIS mode by holding down the two round gray/green buttons on the face of the SunEye (they are the “Home” button and the center “Navigation” key in between the arrow keys) and  momentarily  pressing the hard reset button. Continue to hold the two front panel buttons until you see the Solmetric logo and a small screen icon below it, then release the front buttons. The computer should recognize a new type of device and may start the “found new hardware” wizard but will often fail to load a driver. The driver file is located in the downloaded “OS upgrade” folder, so select that folder when searching for the driver (not the file itself). Once the driver is successfully installed you will want to disable your Windows firewall (or 3rd party firewall if present, Norton, McAfee, et al). Launch the WinCEImageLoader program (in the OS upgrade folder) by right-clicking and choosing “Run as admin” (right-click not required on Win XP). Click “Browse” and browse to the OS upgrade folder on your desktop and select the NK.bin file. After a few moments the “upgrade” button should become active. If not, reset the SunEye into RNDIS mode again with the same procedure as before (hold the round gray buttons and hard reset) and wait for the upgrade button to activate and then click the upgrade button. Once complete the SunEye will reset by itself and connect to your computer in the normal mode via WMDC or ActiveSync. Then run the current SunEye software installer file from our website and follow the prompts.  When complete, the OS and software will be fully reloaded on the device and it should operate normally.

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